Chase Off Cancer With Salvestrol

Do You Have CYP1B1? It would be good to find out because it’s a cancer marker and if you don’t have it, you’re cancer-free. But every cancer patient has it in every cancer cell. It’s an enzyme and its name is pronounced “SipOneBeOne”. It potentially causes the death of cancer cells but to do that it needs Salvestrol.

So what is Salvestrol? It’s a plant item. As vegetables and fruits ripen, pests tend to attack them. In response, the plants create Salvestrols to repel such attacks. Research is ongoing but so far over 400 types of Salvestrol have been found and given a number or name. When we eat that fruit or veggie, the Salvestrol travels in the blood to all body cells and when it enters normal cells, it’s digested, metabolized uneventfully.

But when it enters cancer cells, it’s met by CYP1B1 enzymes that also metabolize it but as a result, produce a metabolite that causes the cell’s death. It causes apoptosis, the name for spontaneous cell death. All normal cells commit apoptosis when they get too old to function properly; but cancer cells don’t. This is why cancer cells build up in the body until they form a tumor or, in the case of blood cancers, until they clutter the blood with dysfunctional cells to an extent that can be medically detected.

So daily, one by one, cancer cells are killed off and all we have to do is eat those fruits and veggies. This is one reason why so many naturopaths and alternative cancer doctors urge patients to eat lots of fruits and veggies. They don’t all know about Salvestrols, as their discovery is fairly recent, but they have so often seen the beneficial results in people’s health from eating fruits and vegetables. Many such benefits result from the copious nutrients that strengthen the body and from the fiber both soluble and insoluble that keeps digestion moving along. They also result from Salvestrols killing cancer cells.

BUT: Eat Organic!

The caveat is that plants sprayed with herbicides, fungicides and pesticides LACK Salvestrols. Which is obvious if we think about it. Such spraying kills whatever might be attacking the ripening plant, obviating any need to produce Salvestrols. Our supermarkets are loaded with colorful produce that looks healthy and delightful but was sprayed towards maturity and then harvested before becoming fully mature so as to give it travel time and shelf life. The colorful appearance is misleading because these products are minimally nutritious.

Supermarket produce is also grown in exhausted soil. Big Agro farms, for the sake of increased income:

  1. Do not rotate their crops. In past centuries, farmers have rotated crops to vary what substances are taken from the soil. Different crops take different nutrients. The farmers didn’t have to know exactly what nutrients each crop used; they just knew that not rotating crops resulted in inferior plants: weaker, more infested with attackers, and less flavorful. Not having our modern chemicals, they avoided this problem by crop rotation.
  2. Never let a field lie fallow for a season. Past era farmers knew how to manage their land. When you leave soil to go its own way for a season, it regenerates its ingredients and becomes a healthier bed for another crop. Our farmers are relentless with their soil, assuming that adding chemicals annually will keep it productive. We don’t know all the ingredients a field of soil needs and Big Agro farmers add only three nutrients: Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium. This is like grown adults playing with legos and feeling clever.

Salvestrols As a Cancer Preventer

In contrast to sprayed fruits and vegetables, those that are grown without spraying contain Salvestrols — in varying amounts depending on attack levels. Some contain very high amounts and others lower amounts but the important thing is that they do contain them and are therefore effective in reducing numbers of cancer cells.

We all have cancer cells and to remain cancer-free, we need our immune system to eliminate them as they form. Salvestrols are a way to help get this done, to prevent their numbers from rising to the point where a medical test could detect them and lead a doctor to pronounce the Big C diagnosis.

What About Resveratrol?

Resveratrol has been researched for longer than Salvestrol and is consequently better known generally. You may know about it. It also is plant-produced and when we eat that plant, it travels in the blood to all cells. In normal cells, with no CYP1B1, nothing happens to it but in cancer cells it is metabolized by CYP1B1 enzymes, as is Salvestrol, and the resulting metabolite kills the cancer cell where this is happening. So thus far, the two anti-cancer items are similar.

However, this only happens with Resveratrol when it’s present in low amounts. If it’s present in the body in high amounts, it has an inhibiting effect on CYP1B1 and the numbers of cancer cells will continue rising. This makes Resveratrol of limited use as a cancer treatment or preventer. With Salvestrol, higher amounts are not a problem; the more the merrier. If expense is an issue re eating organic, you could buy supermarket cans, jars and boxes containing processed foods. But keep your fresh produce organic.

P.S. I don’t believe expense need really be a problem. Surely there are some items in your daily spending that could be reduced or eliminated to make room for an organic diet? We all have to look at our priorities when cancer comes visiting. Do we want it to run us out of our own home?