Optimists and Pessimists

This world is made of dichotomies. Opposites. There are uncountable numbers of them, e.g. hard and soft, past and future, up and down. Simple stuff. As I watch the coronavirus drama play out, I see the two groups of optimists and pessimists making opposite predictions and giving opposite advice to the public. The gloomy ones assure us there is an even worse phase of the pandemic approaching and advise us to lock ourselves down. The cheerful ones remind us that anyone under about 60 can easily survive and will then have antibodies to protect them for life, and they advise us to get back to work and open the schools. Each group cites what they consider evidence of their own viewpoint.

My experience of life tells me that most pessimists remain gloomy because they want to; somehow it validates their existence, emotions, actions etc. And optimists remain cheerful because it raises their spirits, opens more possibilities for them, and is more fun. In regard to the coronavirus there will be no meeting of the minds between these two groups. So subject to any state laws, it’s up to us, the public, to act according to our own optimism or pessimism and re-open our business or not, go back to work or get a new job, or not. Are you an optimist or a pessimist?