Chase Off Cancer With Salvestrol

Do You Have CYP1B1? It would be good to find out because it’s a cancer marker and if you don’t have it, you’re cancer-free. But every cancer patient has it in every cancer cell. It’s an enzyme and its name is pronounced “SipOneBeOne”. It potentially causes the death of cancer cells but to do that it needs Salvestrol.

So what is Salvestrol? It’s a plant item. As vegetables and fruits ripen, pests tend to attack them. In response, the plants create Salvestrols to repel such attacks. Research is ongoing but so far over 400 types of Salvestrol have been found and given a number or name. When we eat that fruit or veggie, the Salvestrol travels in the blood to all body cells and when it enters normal cells, it’s digested, metabolized uneventfully.

But when it enters cancer cells, it’s met by CYP1B1 enzymes that also metabolize it but as a result, produce a metabolite that causes the cell’s death.

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Paw Paws and Cancer

Here in the northern hemisphere, it’s paw paw season and these huge yellow fruits are stacked up in the local organic grocery, ready to help cure everyone’s cancer. There are large pawpaws (latin name Carica papaya) and small ones called papayas (latin name Asimina trebola). As a small child in Australia, I was familiar with paw paws and with the song on the radio about “Picking up paw paws, put ’em in your pocket, Way down yonder in the paw paw patch.” I used to think, What big pockets you must have, funny man, to fit paw paws in them! It was sung in a strange way that I hadn’t yet identified as American.

In 2013, when I lived in Thailand, my house had a tall paw paw tree.

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A Dark Room and a Healer in Thailand

My first four months in Thailand were spent at a spa called Tao Garden. While I was there, they had a Dark Room but before it began, I started to know Margit (not her real name). She was a tall, slim Austrian woman who spent several months each year at Tao Garden giving healings. She speaks softly, pausing to search for the right English word, and her eyes smile gently. Her healings relieve people of their physical pain.

Days in the Dark Room

These Dark Rooms are an annual event and there were 40 participants at this year’s. Briefly, you stay alone in a room with a bathroom, no lights, and all windows covered.

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Let’s Peer Into the Saga

Here’s the beginning of Chapter 8, Stem Cell Treatments in Thailand.

My plane landed in Bangkok where I changed airline and flew north to Chiang Mai. It was now about midnight. When I walked out from the security and customs areas, there was a one-man welcoming crowd, a smiling man holding a sign with my name on it. Dr. Lodi [my AZ cancer doctor] had arranged for him to drive me to my new home.


“Yes.” Despite my fatigue, I felt a laugh gurgling in me at the way he said my name – not how I usually reacted when called Jennifer. In my world thus far, nobody called me “Jennifer” unless they were mad at me. But this was something in another world. I started adapting at that moment: he’s not upset with me, my plane wasn’t late, he speaks Thai.

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Are Your Bones Happy?

Happiness is not very hard to achieve for bones. It requires three main ingredients:

Bone use as in weight support: dancing, running etc, rebounding, and/or weight lifting. These all involve defiance of gravity. Our planet pulls everything down but weight support runs counter to that and lifts things up. This strengthens bones.
Time in the sun; and
The right combination of nutrients. This is a bit more tricky.

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Insulin Treatment for Cancer?

IPT (Insulin Potentiated Therapy) is not well known among conventional cancer doctors but among alternative cancer doctors it is well known and often used to good effect. When my son brought me from Costa Rica — where I had a small stroke that took my balance and some hearing — to an Arizona cancer clinic, the first thing they did was put me on oxygen 24/7 and the second thing was to  give me IPT.

The Slow Beginning

It starts slowly then accelerates until it comes to a sudden and delightful end. You arrive in the morning with an empty stomach.

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